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Static Scanner View

The Static Scanner View scans for various metrics. As the name suggest the values are static in nature and does not update on each incoming real-time ticks like the Market Scanner View.

To open the Static Scanner View please follow the below steps:

  • In Main View menu bar goto New > Static Scanner

Currently ArthaChitra provides the following scanner templates:

Cash Future Arbitrage

The Cash Future Arbitrage scanner returns the percentage difference between the stock and its corresponding futures contract. User needs to assign an instrument list of stocks and set the expiry date.

Interactive Brokers Scanner

Interactive Brokers provides a range of scanning options for various markets. User needs to choose the market and the scanner type to display the metrics. The values return does not includes real-time quotes. As such user can further fetch snap quotes (Last Traded Price and % Change) by checking the 'Snap quote' check box.