The Options view lets the user configure various global settings.
The Options View can be accessed from, In Main View menu bar goto Settings > Options
GeneralTimezone | Timezone. If user is in a different timezone than that of the market/exchange he/she is following then please set the timezone of the respective market/exchange. |
Font Family | The global font |
Font Size | The size of the global font |
Languages | Available languages resorces files as available in <My Documents>/ArthaChitra 2/Localization (requires restart) |
Skins | Available skin templates as found in the folder <My Documents>/ArthaChitra 2/Xaml Resource/Skin/ (requires restart) |
Image format | Lets user select the format in which an image/screenshot will be saved |
Is mouse link enabled on Ctrl | Mouse linking feature will be available only when Ctrl key is pressed |
Is right handed | Determines handedness in touch enabled device |
Refresh Interval | Refresh interval for the views. The values is in milliseconds. |
Round factor | Round decimal values upto input value. |
Disable hardware acceleration | Sets the WPF rendering in software only |
MessageLogs tab
Logs | Number of rows the Logs tab in Main View will have. |
Alert | Number of rows the Alert View will have. |
Print | Number of rows the Output View will have. |
Color | Color schemes for Logs, Print and Alert messages. |
Time & Sales tab
Max rows | Number of rows the Time & Sales View will have. This is a global property and affects all the Time & Sales View |
Font Size | The size of the global font |
Color | Color scheme for the Time & Sales messages. This is a global property and affects all the Time & Sales View |
ConnectionRefresh interval | Simulator connection's real-time data timer interval |
Simulator disconnection Interval | Interval (in milliseconds) after which the Simulator simulates a connection loss event |
Ping delay time | The time (in milliseconds) taken by the simulator to add an order to the queue |
Order processing time | The time (in milliseconds) taken by the simulator to fill an order |
Is market order supported | Whether or not the simulator account supports market order |
Is stop market order supported | Whether or not the simulator account supports stop-market orders |
Preferred connection | Preferred realtime connection for different instrument types |
Preferred historical connection | Preferred historical connection for various instument types. |
HotkeysIs hot keys enabled | If checked then orders can be submitted using the defined hotkeys. If the option is disabled/unchecked then it prevents accidental order submission. |
List of available hotkeys. The Chart HotKeyType and the Order HotKeyType must be unique.
To edit an hotKey item please follow the below steps:
- Select the hot key item you want to edit
- Click on the Edit button (will appear when the hotkey item is selected)
- Select the Key and the Modifier Key
- Click on the Ok button
SoundVoice | Available voices in the system |
Speech volume | The volume of the voice |
Speech rate | The speed of the voice |
Play on ready | Play only when the voice engine is available |
Available voice messages | List of voice messages available which user can enable or disable |
DataAppend realtime data | If the user chooses to save the realtime data locally |
Load historical data on connection | If checked, then historical data will be loaded when user connects to a connection. |
Is Split adjusted | Is the Bars (of a chart) is adjusted for splits and bonus as defined in the Instrument Definition |
Is dividend adjusted | Is the Bars (of a chart) is adjusted for dividends as defined in the Instrument Definition |
Is volume split adjusted | Is the volume of the Bars (of a chart) is adjusted for splits and bonus as defined in the Instrument Definition |
Append replay data | If checked, appends replay data needed for replay connection. User must specify the instruments for which replay data is to be saved. |
Replay L2 count | Number of bid/ask levels user wants to save. Currently a max of 5 (five) level of bid/ask can be saved. |
Delete instrument definitions | Purges the instrument definition database |
Log files count | Number of days the log files will be saved for. |
Delete log files | Delete the log files. |
OrdersOrder Type | The default order type |
Product Type | The default product type |
Time In Force | The default Time In Force |
Stop-Limit price difference | The global Stop-Limit price difference (in ticks) while submitting an Stop-Limit order |
Is live account locked | If checked, new orders will be rejected if submitted to live account. |
Has order confirmation dialog | Whether the order confirmation dialog is enabled while submitting an order |
Is order template reset | If selected then sets the Order Template to null (None) after an order has been placed |
Is quantity reset | If selected then the quantity is reset to its default value after order submission. |
Is disclosed quantity reset | If selected then the disclosed quantity is reset to 0 (zero) after order submission. |
Is PnL includes point value | If PnL includes point value while calculating the Realized/Unrealized PnL |
Is Oco global | Determines if Oco id selected from one view works across views |
Play sound on stop trail | Play sound on stop trail |
Display position for all product type | Will the view (e.g. chart) displays the position for the selected product type or for all product types |
StrategyConnection loss handling | How the strategy will behave upon connection loss - DisableStrategy - Disables the strategy. Pending orders will be canceled or not, current strategy position will be closed or not will depend on the "Cancel pending strategy orders" and "Close strategy position" settings
- Keep Running - Keep running the strategy as if nothing has happened and the strategy continues to work once connection is restored back.
Connection timeout seconds | How much the strategy will wait (in seconds) before disabling a strategy upon connection loss (provided ConnectionLossHandling is set as Disable) |
Realtime Error Handling | How the strategy will behave upon order rejection - Ignore - The strategy continues to run as if nothing has happened
- Disable - The strategy is disabled. Pending orders will be canceled or not, current strategy position will be closed or not will depend on the "Cancel pending strategy orders" and "Close strategy position" settings
Cancel pending strategy orders | Cancels all pending order as submitted by the strategy when the strategy disables. |
Close strategy position | Closes the any open strategy position when the strategy disables |
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