Click or drag to resize

How to develop a ChartObject

ArthaChitra lets one to create drawing objects such as lines, triangle, rectangle etc. The DrawingBase is the base class to draw any drawing object.

The DrawingBase class inherits the ChartVisualBase which implements the IChartVisual

A Drawing Object can also be rendered via an SharpScript code (Indicators and Strategies). Please refer here to know more.


OnRender(DrawingContext, ChartVisualArgs)

The draw method is called whenever the view renders itself. User must override this virtual method and draw the chartObject. The base method draws the handle of the chart object

protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext,ChartVisualArgs args)
    //your code here
    base.OnRender(drawingContext, args);

A Drawing object can be drawn manually or via SharpScript code (via an Indicator or Strategy). If you want to manually draw the drawing object, then you must override the mouse events. if you want the drawing objects drawn only via a sharpScript code then do not override the mouse events.

Configuring properties via GUI using Xaml templates
See Also

