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IndicatorBase Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: ArthaChitra.Model.SharpScript
Assembly: ArthaChitra.Core (in ArthaChitra.Core.dll) Version:
public abstract class IndicatorBase : ChartVisualBase, 
	ISeries<double>, IIndicator, IInstrumentEnumerable

The IndicatorBase type exposes the following members.

Protected methodIndicatorBase 
Public propertyAxisOrientationAxisOrientation
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Public propertyBarsArray 
Protected propertyBarsInProgress 
Public propertyBufferSize Gets or sets the buffer size. This property can be set only when the State is in Initialize state
Public propertyCalculate Gets or sets the Calculate mode. This property can be set only when the State is in Initialize state
Protected propertyClose 
Protected propertyCloses 
Public propertyCount 
Protected propertyCurrentBar 
Public propertyCurrentBars 
Public propertyDebounceInterval
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected propertyDialogService
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Protected propertyDispatcher Gets the dispatcher
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Public propertyDisplayName
(Overrides SharpScriptBaseDisplayName)
Public propertyError Gets the Error string
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Protected propertyFileService
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Public propertyHasLevel1Stream
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Public propertyHasLevel2Stream
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected propertyHigh 
Public propertyHighestHigh
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseHighestHigh)
Protected propertyHighs 
Public propertyIndicators 
Public propertyInput 
Public propertyInputSerializerHelper 
Protected propertyInstrument 
Public propertyInstruments 
Public propertyIsAutoScale
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Public propertyIsCloseObsolete.
Specifies what value an empty series node will return. If true, will return the Close price of the corresponding IBars index. If false, will return NaN
Protected propertyIsFirstTickOfBar 
Public propertyIsFirstTickOfBars 
Public propertyIsFormattedText If set to true, the indicator plot value are printed (e.g. in YAxis) as formatted text
Public propertyIsSelected
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseIsSelected)
Public propertyIsSharpScript Gets if the drawing object is created by a sharpScript code
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected propertyIsValueChanged
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Public propertyIsVisible
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Public propertyItemInt32 
Public propertyItemString Gets the IDataErrorInfo error string
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Public propertyLast 
Protected propertyLastSelectedIndex Gets the last selected series index
Public propertyLineHitTestWidth
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Public propertyLines Gets or sets the Lines
Protected propertyLow 
Public propertyLowestLow
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseLowestLow)
Protected propertyLows 
Protected propertyMedian 
Protected propertyMedians 
Protected propertyMessageBox
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Public propertyName Gets the name
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Public propertyObserveAllMarketDataTypes
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected propertyOpen 
Protected propertyOpenInterest 
Protected propertyOpenInterests 
Protected propertyOpens 
Public propertyPanelIndex
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Public propertyParent
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseParent)
Public propertyPlots 
Public propertySelectedSeriesIndex 
Protected propertySingletonService
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Public propertyState Gets the current State of the script
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Public propertyTemplate Gets the Xaml template associated with the script
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected propertyTime 
Protected propertyTimes 
Protected propertyTypical 
Protected propertyTypicals 
Public propertyValues 
Protected propertyVolume 
Protected propertyVolumes 
Protected propertyWeighted 
Protected propertyWeighteds 
Protected methodAddBars(BarType) 
Protected methodAddBars(String) 
Protected methodAddBars(String, BarType) 
Protected methodAddBars(String, BarType, String, DateTime, DateTime, BackfillPolicy) 
Protected methodAddContextMenu 
Public methodAddIndicatorT Adds and/or retrieves sharp script from the cache
Public methodAddIndicatorT(ISeriesDouble) Adds and/or retrieves sharp script from the cache
Public methodAddIndicatorT(Object) Adds and/or retrieves and sharp script from the cache
Public methodAddIndicatorT(ISeriesDouble, Object) Adds and/or retrieves and sharp script from the cache
Protected methodAddLine(String, Double, Pen) 
Protected methodAddLine(String, Double, Brush, Double) 
Protected methodAddMenuItem 
Protected methodAddPlot(String, PlotStyle, Pen, Boolean) 
Protected methodAddPlot(String, PlotStyle, Brush, Double, Boolean) 
Protected methodAlert(String, String) Alert, with Medium. This alert is raised once.
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodAlert(String, String, TimeSpan) Alert with Medium
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodAlert(String, Priority, Brush, String) Alert. This alert is raised only once
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodAlert(String, Priority, Brush, String, TimeSpan) Alert
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodAlert(String, IInstrument, Priority, Brush, String, TimeSpan) Shoots an alert. The alert is triggered only when the State is Realtime
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodCalculateMinMax
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseCalculateMinMax(IBars, Int32, Int32, Double, Double))
Protected methodCalculatePriceFromY(Double, ChartVisualArgs)
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodCalculatePriceFromY(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, ScaleType)
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodCalculateXFromBarIndex
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodCalculateYFromPrice(Double, ChartVisualArgs)
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodCalculateYFromPrice(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, ScaleType)
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodCanRender
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseCanRender(ChartVisualArgs))
Public methodCrossAbove(Double, ISeriesDouble, Int32) Evaluates when value crosses above a series
Public methodCrossAbove(ISeriesDouble, ISeriesDouble, Int32) Evaluates when 2 (two) series crosses each other
Public methodCrossAbove(ISeriesDouble, Double, Int32) Evaluates when the series crosses above the value
Public methodCrossBelow(Double, ISeriesDouble, Int32) Evaluates when a value crosses below a series
Public methodCrossBelow(ISeriesDouble, ISeriesDouble, Int32) Evaluates when 2 (two) series crosses below each other
Public methodCrossBelow(ISeriesDouble, Double, Int32) Evaluates when series crosses below a value
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodGetHandleCursor Returns the handle cursor
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetLastPrice Returns the last traded price. In case the real time price is not available the closing value of the last available bar is returned
Public methodGetOrAddT 
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodGetValue
(Inherited from NotifyPropertyBase)
Public methodHasValue 
Public methodInvalidateView
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodInvokeAsync Invoke any action. It is recommended to draw any [!:ChartObject.DrawingBase] by invoking this method
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Public methodIsInputEquals Compares two input
Protected methodLog(String) Logs a message with Low
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodLog(Priority, String) Logs a message with the specified Priority
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodLog(Priority, Brush, String) Logs a message with the specified Priority and defined brush
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodMakeHitTest
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseMakeHitTest(ChartVisualArgs))
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMove
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseMove(Double, Double, ChartVisualArgs))
Protected methodNotifyPropertyChanged
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodOnBarUpdate 
Protected methodOnLevel1
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodOnLevel2
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodOnRender
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseOnRender(DrawingContext, ChartVisualArgs))
Protected methodOnRenderYAxis
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseOnRenderYAxis(DrawingContext, ChartVisualArgs))
Protected methodOnStateChange Invoked when the State changes
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodPlaySound
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodPrint(String, String) Prints a message with Low
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodPrint(Brush, String, String) Prints a message with a defined foreground brush
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodPrint(Priority, String, String) Prints a message with the defined Priority
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodRecalculate
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseRecalculate(ChartVisualArgs))
Public methodRefreshView 
Protected methodRound Rounds the value with the factor as defined in Options > General tab > RoundFactor
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodSelectionSteps
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodSetOverrideBrush 
Protected methodSetOverridePen(Pen, Int32) 
Protected methodSetOverridePen(Pen, Int32, Int32) 
Protected methodSetValue
(Inherited from NotifyPropertyBase)
Protected methodShare Share messages via to social media SocialType The messages will be transmitted only when the state is Realtime
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Public methodToString
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public methodToStringFormat
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseToStringFormat(Double))
Protected methodTryRemoveContextMenuItem 
Protected methodTryRemoveDrawing 
Protected methodTryRemoveMenuItem 
Public eventPropertyChanged
(Inherited from NotifyPropertyBase)
See Also