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ChartProperty Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: ArthaChitra.Model.Chart
Assembly: ArthaChitra.Core (in ArthaChitra.Core.dll) Version:
public sealed class ChartProperty : PropertyBase, 
	IChartProperty, IProperty

The ChartProperty type exposes the following members.

Public methodChartProperty 
Public propertyBarSpace 
Public propertyBuyTradePen Gets or sets the buy marker pen
Public propertyCrosshairPen 
Public propertyDataBoxBarBrushType 
Public propertyDisplayPositions Display the position(s) on the chart
Public propertyDisplayTrades Displays the orders taken
Public propertyDisplayType 
Public propertyError Gets the Error string
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Public propertyGridlinePen Gets or sets the grid line pen
Public propertyIsChartButtonExpanded 
Public propertyIsEquiDistant Is the bar is equi-distant or not. This is disabled when the chart is populated with two or more IBars series
Public propertyIsEquiDistantEnabled 
Public propertyItem Gets the IDataErrorInfo error string
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Public propertyLeftMargin Gets or sets the chart left margin
Public propertyRightMargin Gets or sets the chart right margin
Public propertySellTradePen Gets or sets the sell marker pen
Public propertySessionPen Gets or sets the session break pen
Public propertyShowDrawingToolbar Is the drawing toolbar pane is visible or not. If true, the drawing toolbar is visible on the left pane of the chart
Public propertyShowGridLines Is the grid lines are displayed or not
Public propertySnapMode Gets or sets the SnapMode
Public propertyTemplate
(Overrides PropertyBaseTemplate)
Public propertyYAxisMargin Gets or sets the YAxis margin
Public propertyYMargin Magin on the top and buttom
Public methodClone
(Overrides PropertyBaseClone)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public eventPropertyChanged
(Inherited from NotifyPropertyBase)
See Also