Click or drag to resize

ThreadedViewModelT Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: ArthaChitra.Core.ViewModel
Assembly: ArthaChitra.Core (in ArthaChitra.Core.dll) Version:
public abstract class ThreadedViewModel<T> : ThreadedViewModel
where T : new(), PropertyBase

Type Parameters


The ThreadedViewModelT type exposes the following members.

Public methodThreadedViewModelT 
Protected propertyCanSelectInstrument Gets or sets if the context menu will display the Instruments menu items
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyClosedCommand
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyClosingCommand
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyContextMenus
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Protected propertyDialogService
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Protected propertyDispatcher Gets the view Dispatcher
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Public propertyError Gets the Error string
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Protected propertyFileService
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Public propertyHeight Gets or sets the height
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Public propertyHelpUrl
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Public propertyInstrumentCommand
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyInstrumentLinkType
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyInstrumentStr
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyIsActivated
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyIsBuyOrSell True = Buy, False = Sell
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyIsClosed Called when the workspace is closed by user via TryRemove(String)
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyIsModal
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyItem Gets the IDataErrorInfo error string
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Public propertyLeft Gets or sets the Left position
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Public propertyLoadedCommand
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Protected propertyMessageBox
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Public propertyOrderHelper
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyProperty 
Public propertyPropertyCommand 
Public propertySelectedInstrument
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertySelectInstrumentCommand
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Protected propertySingletonService
(Inherited from ServiceBase)
Public propertyTitle Gets or sets the title
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Public propertyTop Gets or sets the position top
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Public propertyTopmost
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyWidth Gets or sets the width
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Public propertyWindowState Gets or sets the WindowState
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Public propertyWorkspace
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public propertyYouTubeUrl
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Protected methodAssignHelpUrl
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodGetValue
(Inherited from NotifyPropertyBase)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodNotifyPropertyChanged
(Inherited from NotifyPropertyBase)
Protected methodOnClosed
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Protected methodOnClosing
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Protected methodOnConnectionUpdated
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Protected methodOnDialogViewTView, TViewModel
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Protected methodOnInstrument
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Protected methodOnInstrumentLinkTypeChanged(InstrumentLinkTypeEventArgs)
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Protected methodOnLoaded
(Overrides ThreadedViewModelOnLoaded(CancellationToken))
Protected methodOnProperty 
Protected methodOnRollover
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Protected methodOnSelectInstrument
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Protected methodOnViewTView, TViewModel
(Inherited from ViewModelBase)
Protected methodOnWeakEvents
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Protected methodPopulateContextMenu
(Overrides ThreadedViewModelPopulateContextMenu)
Protected methodSetValue
(Inherited from NotifyPropertyBase)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodUnsubscribeData Unsubscribe the Level1 and Level2 data
(Inherited from ThreadedViewModel)
Public eventPropertyChanged
(Inherited from NotifyPropertyBase)
See Also