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DrawingBase Methods

The DrawingBase type exposes the following members.

Protected methodAlert(String, String) Alert, with Medium. This alert is raised once.
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodAlert(String, String, TimeSpan) Alert with Medium
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodAlert(String, Priority, Brush, String) Alert. This alert is raised only once
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodAlert(String, Priority, Brush, String, TimeSpan) Alert
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodAlert(String, IInstrument, Priority, Brush, String, TimeSpan) Shoots an alert. The alert is triggered only when the State is Realtime
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodCalculateMid Calculate the mid point of a line
Protected methodCalculateMinMax
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodCalculatePriceFromY(Double, ChartVisualArgs)
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodCalculatePriceFromY(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, ScaleType)
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodCalculateSlope Calculates the slope between 2 points
Protected methodCalculateXFromBarIndex
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodCalculateXFromTimeOrBarIndex Calculates the X from time or bar index
Protected methodCalculateYFromPrice(Double, ChartVisualArgs)
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodCalculateYFromPrice(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, ScaleType)
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodCanRender
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodCloseLevel1Stream Close the Level1Stream
Protected methodContains Checks if the hit-test contains a drawing object
Protected methodCreateCollectionT Creates a ConcurrentObservableCollection
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalize
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodGetAngle Gets the angle of two points
Protected methodGetExtendedPoint(Point, Point, ChartVisualArgs) Get the extended point between two points
Protected methodGetExtendedPoint(Point, Point, Double) Calculates the extend point value of a line
Protected methodGetHandle Gets the handle
Protected methodGetHandleCursor Returns the handle cursor
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Public methodGetHandleRect Returns the rectangle handle
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodGetLength Returns the distance between 2 points
Protected methodGetParallalPoint Gets the parallal points from a line
Protected methodGetSnapPoint(ChartVisualArgs) Gets the snap point depending on the SnapMode.
Protected methodGetSnapPoint(Point, ChartVisualArgs) Gets the snap point depending on the SnapMode
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodGetValue
(Inherited from NotifyPropertyBase)
Public methodInvalidateView
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodInvokeAsync Invoke any action. It is recommended to draw any [!:ChartObject.DrawingBase] by invoking this method
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodIsLineIntersectsLine Checks if two line intersects with each other
Protected methodIsLineIntersectsRect Checks if a line intersects with a Rect
Protected methodIsLineVisibleOnScreen Checks if the line is displayed on the view
Protected methodLog(String) Logs a message with Low
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodLog(Priority, String) Logs a message with the specified Priority
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodLog(Priority, Brush, String) Logs a message with the specified Priority and defined brush
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodMakeHitTest Hit test. Return value: -1 - no hit, 0 - hit anywhere, > 1 - handle number
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseMakeHitTest(ChartVisualArgs))
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMove
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodMoveHandleTo Moves the handle to the specified point
Protected methodNotifyPropertyChanged
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodOnLevel1
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodOnLevel2
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
Protected methodOnPreviewMouseDown If overriden then the drawing cursor will be available in the chart drawing menu item. This will be not called if the DrawingBase object is drawn programmatically.
Protected methodOnPreviewMouseMove Invoked on mouse move while creating or modifying DrawingBase object manually This will be not called if the DrawingBase object is drawn programmatically.
Protected methodOnPreviewMouseUp Triggers on mouse up
Protected methodOnPreviewTextInput Invoked upon text input via keyboard when a DrawingBase object is selected
Protected methodOnRender Renders the DrawingBase
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseOnRender(DrawingContext, ChartVisualArgs))
Protected methodOnRenderYAxis Renders the YAxis
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseOnRenderYAxis(DrawingContext, ChartVisualArgs))
Protected methodOnStateChange Invoked when the State changes
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodPlaySound
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodPrint(String, String) Prints a message with Low
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodPrint(Brush, String, String) Prints a message with a defined foreground brush
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodPrint(Priority, String, String) Prints a message with the defined Priority
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodRecalculate
(Overrides ChartVisualBaseRecalculate(ChartVisualArgs))
Protected methodRound Rounds the value with the factor as defined in Options > General tab > RoundFactor
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Protected methodSelectionSteps
(Inherited from VisualBase)
Protected methodSetValue
(Inherited from NotifyPropertyBase)
Protected methodShare Share messages via to social media SocialType The messages will be transmitted only when the state is Realtime
(Inherited from SharpScriptBase)
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToStringFormat
(Inherited from ChartVisualBase)
See Also