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StrategySetStop(Int32, Double, CalculationMode, String) Method

Submits a stop order for the specified bars index. If stop order with the same entry order name exits, then changes the order if the stop price differs. If called when the strategy is in Initialized state then all subsequent entry trades with the same entry name will automatically place an stop order as defined by the method

Namespace: ArthaChitra.Model.SharpScript
Assembly: ArthaChitra.Core (in ArthaChitra.Core.dll) Version:
protected IOrder[] SetStop(
	int barsIndex,
	double price,
	CalculationMode calculationMode,
	string entryOrderName


barsIndex  Int32
Bars index
price  Double
Value of the stop price as calculated from entry order fill price based on the Calculation Mode
calculationMode  CalculationMode
Calculation Mode
entryOrderName  String
Entry order name

Return Value

See Also