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Default Performance Template

The Performance tab in the Strategy Performance view can be fully configured by designing Xaml templates as the PerformanceBase class implemnets the ITemplate. However please do note, user must implement the IPerformanceT intreface in order to display the performance.

The default Performance xaml template uses the OxyPlot plotting library and implements the oxyPlot PlotView in the default template where the Model property (of the OxyPlot.PlotView class) is binded with the Model property (a signature of the IPerformance<T> interface). Users, of course has the freedom of designing their own template.

Common namespaces
OxyPlot namespaces
Default Performance template
<DataTemplate x:Key="{x:Static bCommon:ResourceKey.PerformanceTemplateSelectorKey}">
    <oxy:PlotView Model="{Binding Model}" Background="Transparent"/>